Discover Hidden Revenue through Analytics in Healthcare.

IT, BI and Revenue Cycle Experts Now in one team.

Discover Hidden Revenue through Analytics in Healthcare.

IT, BI and Revenue Cycle Experts Now in one team.

Revenue Cycle Management Services



100% of our operations team members are AAPC credentialed in either one or more phases with the revenue cycle, including billing, coding, and auditing.



Let BI and Data Visualization experts review your revenue cycle processes for optimization. You will find a new opportunity that will boost your revenue and increase compliance.



Our results-driven team will find new revenue opportunities and outline actions and steps necessary to exceed your bottom-line expectations.

What We Do Data Story Telling that Results
in Revenue Boost

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Auditing and Analytics

We provide both retrospective and prospective audits throughout the year in order to find contractual underpayments and prevent recoupments. Starting with random sample clinical documentation improvement audit all the way to large denials and payments data audit, our audit and analytics process is sure to capture any underbilling and overbilling behaviors.  

In addition, our credentialed and experienced team will guide you on proper coding and billing practices, along with updating you about any new reimbursement changes. We believe in being proactive as opposed to reactive to understanding payor reimbursement trends.
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Automated Dashboard

There are IT professionals; there are BI developers, and then there is us who also understand the healthcare revenue cycle business. At the core of everything we do is data visualization and automation, but we do well because of our business acumen.

We utilize familiar business intelligence tools that your company already has or can obtain at a low cost. We will then use the tools to build automated dashboards, notifications, workflows, real-time data updates, and reporting.
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Resources & calculators Useful Public Resources for
Revenue Cycle Management

Billing Utilization

CMS requires many providers to submit their utilization data on a regular basis. This information is available publicly here for your reference. This data shows utilization for medicare part A, B, and Home Health.

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Coding Changes

AAPC’s knowledge center blog is the best resource for understanding new coding additions or any other coding related news. You can browse through AAPC website here or directly go to the knowledge center blog here.

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Medicare RAC Process

One of the most important processes that providers should be familiar with is Medicare Part C and D Recovery Audit Program that was created to identify improper payments. Click here to learn more about the audit and appeal process outlined on CMS website.

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Reimbursement Methodology

While there are now data sets that CMS categorizes as Limited Data Set (LDS), some prior year version data are still available for free on CMS website. Providers can utilize these data to understand the reimbursement methodology and rates for their business.

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